NPA is conveniently located near downtown Naples. Our address is 1275 Airport Road South, Naples, FL, 34104. MapDriving directions

We’re open Monday – Friday, from 7:00 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. Please consult our calendar for school holidays and closings. Calendar

NPA serves children from 6 weeks to 5 years of age.

You can email or call the school to set up a Pre-Enrollment Appointment. Once at your appointment, we’ll ask you to complete a Pre-Enrollment Questionnaire, and provide us with some contact information. One of our qualified staff will give you a guided tour of our school. Once we mutually agree that NPA is a good fit for your family, the next step is completion of Enrollment Form and Tuition Agreement Contract. We also require Florida Immunization and Health forms. Some fees and tuition are required in advance.  Pre-Register

At NPA we offer our families the convenience of paying tuition electronically through Tuition Express. Tuition Express is our preferred method of payment for its convenience and security. Tuition is payable yearly, monthly, or bi-monthly, with payments due on the 1st and 15th of each month for the bi-monthly option. Your financial obligations are explained in the tuition contract and handbook. Each family can visit the Tuition Express website and register as a member. Once you log on, you can check your account, print reports, and monitor your payments and obtain reports for tax filing purposes with the IRS.

No. NPA enrolls children for a school year, August to May, and our Summer Program, which runs June to mid-August. Parents sign a Tuition Agreement Contract, which commits the family to a year’s enrollment.

Your Tuition Agreement Contract assumes that your child will be enrolled at NPA for a full school year. Should some unforeseen circumstance arise, NPA considers each family’s case individually. A minimum 30-day written Withdrawal Notice is required. Withdrawal Policy

NPA asks that all parents provide crib linens, diapers and wipes where appropriate, and a complete change of clothing for all children. Parents must provide all the food for infants, including formula, cereals, and snacks. For naptime, a standard crib sheet fits our Angel Cots perfectly. Please provide a blanket for your child’s comfort (except infants).  Parents also provide a water bottle filled with water everyday with your child’s first and last name on it.

Please note that all personal items, clothing, and food should be labeled clearly with a permanent marker.

For our Infants, One’s, and Two Year-Olds, our teachers use a developmentally appropriate curriculum designed to further each child’s social, cognitive and physical development that NPA has developed through our experiences working with children. The curriculum provides opportunities for children to explore, reflect, interact, and communicate with other children and adults. Such approaches may include direct skill instruction, cooperative learning, independent learning activities, teacher-led instruction, thematic instruction, projects, and learning centers. Potty training is included in our Two Year-Olds curriculum. For our Toddlers 3’s, 4’s and Pre-K, we use Creative Curriculum.

At Naples Preschool Academy, each age group will has their own daily routine consisting of periods of indoor time, where group activities such as circle time, story time and music will alternate with individual tasks such as art and academic work. Structured activities will alternate with free-choice times. Outdoor activities where organized games, opportunities to develop gross motor skills such as jumping, skipping, catching, and throwing will alternate with free play.

NPA tailors each class according to developmentally appropriate practices particular to a child’s age. For children ages 2 – 5, activities alternate to provide a fun, interesting day. The mornings begin quietly with Breakfast Snack, table activities and book corner. Then, around 8:30 a.m., things get busy! With Morning Circle Time, individual and group projects, small group centers, teacher-directed activities and games, story time, art, and outdoor play, there is something to challenge and interest everyone. Around 11:30 A.M., the morning starts to wind down with clean-up time and lunch. After a mid-day nap, the children are refreshed and ready for the afternoon, which typically includes music, free-choice centers, snack, story times, and additional outside play. While our Two-Year-Olds emphasize potty training, language development, and socialization, our 3 -5’s are on to more academically challenging activities such as pre-reading and pre-math concepts to prepare them for Kindergarten.

Each class posts their own Daily Schedule on the Parent Bulletin Board. There you will see the schedule and the teacher’s plans for the week.

NPA offers dance and Karate classes, “In-House” field trips, with visits from local artisans, magicians, the East Naples Fire Department, and the Naples Conservancy Science Program and much more!

Our teachers are well-qualified to work in the preschool setting.  NPA screens each applicant carefully, and only hires staff truly dedicated to working with small children. Our staff goes through 45 hours of basic training in child care, and many continue on to complete their Child Development Credential, or CDA. Some of our teachers have their AA degree in Early Childhood, and all have years of experience working in the preschool setting.

When asked what they most liked about NPA, our current families’ most typical response was “the professional, dedicated staff.”

NPA does free yearly screening for vision and hearing for 3 – 5 year-olds. We offer referrals through local physicians and therapists, and through FDLRS, the Florida Diagnostic and Learning Resources System.

Our staff is trained to observe and report those children who need early intervention to the school’s director. The parents are then contacted and a plan developed to help the child. In order to develop to his/her potential, your child depends on his parents and school for support. At NPA we take this partnership very seriously. Through effective communication and timely intervention, your child can begin a successful educational journey starting in preschool.

Our parents receive a daily sheet in all of our classrooms, which is a daily report to inform their family on how their day went. Items addressed in the daily sheet are naptime, diaper changes, and mealtimes, circle time behavior, and behavior throughout the day in general. Parent conferences are available to every family. We believe good teacher-parent-school communication is a key factor in your child’s success.

If your child is sick, the very best place for him/her is at home under a parent’s care. Bringing your child to school only puts him/her at risk to become more seriously ill, and runs the risk of spreading infection to the rest of the class members. Children who are brought to school sick will not be permitted to stay.

In the event of illness occurring at school, the parents will be notified and expected to pick up their child immediately. This is for the child’s benefit as well as the other children present. If the parents are not available, the emergency contact list will be used until an adult is found to pick the ill child up. If a child is found to have a fever of 100 Degrees Fahrenheit or higher, he/she will not be permitted to return to class until they have been fever-free for 24 hours.

NPA does not administer any medications.

NPA has taken many measures to insure our children’s safety at school. From the classroom to our parks, our safety features are numerous and effective. In the event that a child has an accident, qualified staff trained and certified in Infant/Toddler First Aid and Infant/Toddler CPR by the American Red Cross will administer the appropriate treatment. Parents are immediately notified about the accident, which is also documented in writing for our school records. One important thing to note here is that East Naples Fire and Rescue Department is located just 3 minutes from our school! Their paramedics visit our school to teach our children safety measures as well. We are proud of our relationship with the Naples Emergency Response team.

NPA works with local entities to educate and insure our children’s safety at school and in their community. Additional security features include:

  • Front Door of school is locked at all times.
  • Digital code entry system to gain access to building for enrolled families.
  • Only one main entrance/exit for parents and visitors.
  • Lobby camera that monitors and records all entrances and exits 24 hrs/day.
  • Monitoring cameras in every classroom to routinely monitor activities.
  • Observation windows in every classroom gives school transparent quality.
  • Close proximity to local fire/rescue department.
  • Strict guidelines for releasing children to anyone other than authorized parent.
  • 7-foot perimeter fence surrounding property.
  • Security Photo Gallery that records a picture of all visitors to NPA.
  • Fingerprint Check-In Station located in lobby to track those authorized to drop off and pick up child.
  • Monthly fire drills to instruct children in the proper procedures in an emergency situation.

NPA has ample opportunities for parents to become involved, and we welcome parent participation at school activities. NPA hosts holiday parties, read-alouds, cooking activities, Bring-Your-Pet to-School Day, and special events for our Moms, Dads, and Grandparents. If you have a special talent that you would like to share, we can arrange for you to visit and share your talent with us!

Your child should come dressed in clothes comfortable enough to allow them to engage in a variety of activities, and in clothing suitable for our variable Florida weather. All children should come dressed to school in shoes and clothing that allow them to move freely and safely. To this end, for your child’s safety we require rubber-soled shoes such as sneakers or tennis shoes for outdoor play. Please consult our Parent Handbook for further details. Parent Handbook

We believe in teaching children to make good choices throughout the day. Most times a moment where a child has not made the right choice is an opportunity to teach, not scold. To this end, we use methods of positive re-enforcement (“catch them doing good!”), redirection, and modeling the behavior we want our children to exhibit. We also understand the variable mood swings of the toddler, and make it a point to get to know the children in our care very well. We value the support and input of our parents, who know their child better than anyone!!

For more detailed information about our Discipline Policy (page 15, Parent’s Handbook).  Discipline Policy

NPA opens at 7:00 a.m. for those parents who need to drop off early. To take full advantage of our learning activities, we suggest that you have your child at school no later than 8:30 a.m. each day. Breakfast is served between 8:30 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. Should you wish your child to eat breakfast at school, please have your child at school no later than 8:30 a.m.
If your child has any kind of appointment, please let administration know what day and time and you can bring your child in after the appointment.

Our school is open until 5:30 p.m. each evening. If you know you will arrive late to pick up your child, please notify the school as soon as possible. Late pick-up fees will apply.

Due to a young (1-2 year-olds) toddler’s limited ability to communicate verbally, sometimes a bite may ensue instead of words! At NPA both sets of parents are informed about the incident, and written documentation provided. NPA offers research on biting to help parents stay informed about this stage of their child’s development, and counseling to those with concerns about this sometimes confusing but normal behavior.

We welcome the opportunity to celebrate your child’s special day. Most classroom celebrations are held at afternoon snack time, and parents are welcome to send in party items or attend snack time and host a small celebration. Please contact the school if you wish to schedule a celebration for your birthday boy or girl.

NPA is licensed by the Florida Department of Children and Families and meets or exceeds their cleanliness, supervision, and safety requirements for operating a child care center. NPA is also inspected by the Collier County Health Department and Naples Fire Department. Most of entities inspect the school quarterly.

NPA does provide breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack.

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