The classroom for 3-year-olds is a nurturing environment where we foster growth in all areas of a child’s development. We strengthen their social and emotional progress through structured, whole-group activities, and many opportunities to experience the various learning centers throughout the room at their own pace – by themselves, with a friend, or in a small group.
Literacy and numeracy development are key elements in our early childhood program for Threes. The 3 year-old experiences a time of language explosion and NPA seeks to foster this development with stories, vocabulary building, songs, and finger plays.
The 3 year-old’s large muscle development is nurtured through gross motor activities like dancing, music and movement, and daily opportunities to ride bikes, jump, climb, and run outside on the playground. We refine small motor skills through an abundance of arts and crafts activities, math manipulatives, puzzles, and instruction in proper pencil grip and use of scissors.
Our 3 year-olds are also eligible to begin our Kid’s Computer Program, one of NPA’s enrichment programs available.